It is the name given to the wound in the form of a crack that presents with pain and bleeding in the anüs (Breech). It usually happens with constipation and over-straining, during hard and bulky stool at once.
Less frequently; anal cancer, aids, anal sex, and trauma to the anus (foreign body insertion, severe itching) may happen.
- Bleeding from the rectum
- Tearing like pain
- Itching around the breech
- Palpable tear in the breech
- Diagnosis
It can be easily recognized by visual examination of the breech region in patients with complaints suggestive of anal fissure.
Drug Treatment
The first step of anal fissure treatment is proper diet and personal hygiene. Since solid defecation is associated with the development and continuity of anal fissure, intaking adequate water and fiber intake is a major element of primary care. Some medications include;
Topical muscle relaxants (cream or pomade), Nitroglycerin creams, Calcium channel blockers; Orally or creamy
Botox injection; pressure drops by temporarily paralyzing muscle around anal canal
Cerrahi Tedavi
Cerrahi tedavide anal kanal etrafını saran, spazma uğrayarak anal kanal basıncında yükselmeye neden olan kasın bir bölümünün kesilerek (lateral internal sfinkterotomi ameliyatı) basıncın düşürlmesi ve iyileşmenin hızlanması temeline dayanır. Cerrahi tedavi sonrasında genellikle hastalar aynı gün evine gönderilebilmekte ya da bir gece hastanede kalabilmektedir.